COVID and the Delta Variant

Variants are expected when dealing with viruses like COVID, and the Delta Variant is causing great concern. It is highly contagious–nearly twice as contagious as previous variants–and data suggests that it may cause more severe illness to an unvaccinated person.

We encourage our employees who are medically able to get vaccinated. Approximately 36% of us are fully vaccinated! When you have completed your vaccination (both parts of the 2-part or the 1-part J&J), email a clear photo of your completed vaccination card to Patti Jones in Benefits. After two weeks, you are considered “fully vaccinated”.

Fully vaccinated employees who submit their completed vaccination card earn four hours of PTO time, do not have to wear a mask while on company property and on company time, and may not have to quarantine, be restricted from work, or be tested following exposure to someone with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, as the risk of infection is low. (Monitoring for COVID-19 symptoms for 14 days following exposure is required.)

Remember to continue to protect yourself and others: get vaccinated, wear a mask where required, stay six feet away from others, avoid crowds and poorly ventilated spaces, wash your hands often, cover your coughs and sneezes, clean and disinfect, and monitor your health daily!